CollegeBudget - College Budget

CollegeBudget is a website that operates a student discount program. The company, founded in 2011, allows people with .edu e-mail addresses to receive discounts when shopping with participating merchants.


Discounts are offered by merchants to the students through CollegeBudget. Merchants only pay for this service, if and when students make a purchase with the discount.

CollegeBudget occasionally features charity deals where proceeds of sales are contributed to a non-profit organization.

COLLEGE ON A BUDGET! (How to Save Money)

Additional features

CollegeBudget also offers textbooks rentals and student loan comparisons.

Spam Allegations & Malicious Activity

Several Universities have reported hijacked accounts flooding .edu email servers attempting to link to as part of a large scale phishing attempt.


CollegeBudget was created by the founders of CampusBuddy, a social academic platform.

CollegeBudget was included in the Empact100 list, and as a result invited to the White House for a recognition ceremony.